Sunday 21 May 2017

Who still believes in Fairy tales ? ...

This magical weekend came and went ... with the blink of the eye!

We had a fantastic group of young lads (bachelor celebration at St Michaels)!
They had a fun time at our beautiful Holiday Home and off they went to their special wedding that will take place in less than a week now :)
How exciting! Congratulations to you all! And hoping to see you all back with your families one day at St Michaels!

Talking about weddings and fairy tales ... We all have been waiting for this moment for many months now .. not because it mattered to us, but because we have heard SO MUCH and SO OFTEN who should attend, who should not ... any "pretty ladies" were not welcome to the official ceremony as not to over shine the gorgeous bride (yes! The one who took ALL THE ATTENTION and more during her sister`s wedding ... yes Pippa! we are talking about you here and kindly congratulating you and your dear husband on your wedding! Look forward to hear all about your happy lives with future children to come ..)

Talking about children ,,, there is an exciting news in our family - my dear husband`s eldest daughter Micha  and her husband Lee are expecting a little girl! How exciting!
We can not wait to see her adorable little face! Smell her tiny feet :) and more ..

OMG! I had to re write this blog a little , as only now found out AMAZING news!!!!!!!!! that our talented singing teaches Victoria & James had a miracle this morning ! Beautiful Victoria gave a birth to an ADORABLE little baby boy (2nd gorgeous child) CONGRATULATIONS to you all!

It is a BABY BOOM this year :)

And of course: hip hip hooray! In one week ALL THE CHILDREN in Whitstable (and not only) will have a SCHOOL HOLIDAY (again!) :))) how exciting!
So amazing being a mum :)

Have a wonderful week everybody!
Love, T x

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