Monday 15 May 2017

15th MAY - fabulous day!

Good morning everybody!
Hoping you all are planning your week by celebrating this special day - the international FAMILY day! Perfect idea to take your family to St Michaels Holiday Home!
If you ask me -"what does the family mean to you?!" .... I would reply without any hesitation = "EVERYTHING"!
I am so blessed to have a wonderful family here, with my husband David and our little girl
and our family .. and of course, so happy to have my family in Russia !
The "weather at home" is SO IMPORTANT as the weather outside! :)
In my words I say to my husband : "happy wife, happy life" and IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!

David and I were talking today that we have been married ... for  nearly 14 years now! ("they give less for murder" , - was my reply!) :)
I still run to him, I still love him .. the way I always have since we have met each other and committed to each other ..
Hoping this special feeling will last forever ...
I know so many beautiful people out there who, like me, adore and cherish their family and friends
This photo is just a small example for us all! Close knit family who live so far apart  (as far as Australia/ Whitstable  - I tell you!) ... but  despite of the distance already are flying back soon to spend their quality time  together at St Michaels! 

Thank you all for choosing our family orientated Holiday Home for your special gatherings! We are delighted to meet you all! and always will try to do our BEST to make your holidays as lovely and comfortable  as possible! 
Look forward meeting you all soon! 
Kind regards, D&T x

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