Good morning everybody! Happy Earth day!
I absolutely adore all the people who do look after our PLANET! The one and only that we live in!
Especially on days like this - even if you "do not have enough time" on daily basis to do so .. then at least thanks to the people like former US senator Gaylord Nelson who encourages us to sit, think, protect! MAKE CHANGE for the best!
This day was founded by him after he saw the enormous 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. ...
The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, in America.
The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, in America.
as they say : EVERY LITTLE HELPS! just read the below list .. and try to "tick" for yourselves ..
How should I celebrate?
Here are six ways to mark Earth Day:
- Grow your own food (or buy locally-grown produce)
- Go paperless
- Plant a tree
- Stop drinking bottled water
- Start carpooling (or take up cycling)
- Invest in a solar-powered phone charger
- (
It has been just under one week since Carmen and I got back from Siberia and we were given a huge amount of amazing gifts that we will cherish, share and enjoy!
Today is the ideal day for us to open a gift from year 5a student Egorov Mark
His dad (a keen hunter and fisherman) specially collected Ivan -tea for us to taste
"Ivan - Tea (Epilobium) - fount of vitamins and microelements, healthful broth this plant cures many diseases and gives vivacity body)
About this tea is mentioned in historical chronicles. Before the advent of normal tea, in Russia, as in other European countries, has been at a premium Russian tea or Ivan-tea, raw materials for which served the leaves kipreja. Such tea delivered to the Imperial table and widely exported abroad, My dad loves hunting and fishing. He often happens in the taiga, This tea he collected, dried and prepared himself. Egorov Mark, 5A, Krasnoyarsk, Russia"
Dear Mark, if you are reading this , my family and I would like to say a huge thank you to you and your dad for such wonderful present!
Wishing you all to live very long fulfilling healthy lives and hoping to see you one day again and hoping to share numerous cups of teas together over interesting chats here in England and in Russia
Kind regards, Tatiana x