Thursday 16 March 2017


Did you ever have a dream that you might meet someone very inspiring person that might change your ideas to life or totally will make you CHANGE all your believes or help you stand on the right path of life?!

I was very lucky the other day to meet this wonderful person:

Writer, Poet, mom of 6 beautiful girls, sign language teacher ,, and simply a very nice person Kathryn Irrgang!

We both wanted to attend this course that we went to (due to our work commitments )
and during short tea break ended up chatting non stop about everything and nothing (as all chatterbox women usually do! )
And surprisingly I have found out so much interesting things from Kathryn , including been taught a few words in sign language ("these were very impressive skills "  - apparently my daughter told me later! )

How many of you had a chance to think " do women inspire more than man" ?

If we use  statistics, than we will see that majority of leaders (64%) are still men .. but!
Due to all these statistics ,, I (personally) get so excited when THE WOMAN makes some great changes in our lives ! Let it be our Prime Minister or ... "simply" your Majesty the Queen

who was of course born to be the Queen and had no choice but to be an amazing example and inspiration to us all!

One of the best ones of all was of course the Queen of Our Hearts ... Lady D

(please see my previous posts on our website  regarding our trip to London and  the beautiful garments that Princess D worn .. some of the dresses  are displayed at Kengsington Palace in London and one even has a hand print of Prince William when he was a little boy ..

One more AMAZING person that lives  to help others!
I am honored to know this  WONDERFUL  , absolutely down to Earth person! Beautiful mum of one, who lives in Whitstable , The Author,  the nun Pema Deki " In January 2017, she was selected for a 'Points of Light' Award by the Prime Minister of UK, Teresa May for her volunteerism. Currently a JICA senior" (JICA Bhutan Office) 
  Helping as a volunteer to all the  beautiful children in Bhutan !!! 
Kate Middleton and Prince William visited Bhutan and Emma had a special chat with Duchess of Cambridge 

(Please read the article about it here:
And please : 
Pre order a VERY INTERESTING  book "Set free " by Emma Slade 
From Amazon ...
All the money (100%!!!) Will go to "Opening your heart to Bhutan " charity !! (I pre ordered mine !!!)
Good luck Emma! Your son Oscar will be (already is ) very proud !!!

Most of you probably already have heard about one more  an absolute inspiration lady - Children`s Author Faye Beerling! She also lives local and she is a  very special mum !
Our daughter has one of her  books , signed by the Author
Faye was so kind to write a wonderful poem about our St Michaels Holiday Home (please read my post on our website about it)
Latest book "They raced to the moon" can be purchased here on

What an amazing ladies! Girls power!! Hip Hip Hooray!
I am sure you can add even more to our " list " of beautiful and talented ladies !
What I simply wanted to add .... by quoting Faye Beerling .. " I've got a difficult journey ahead; but knowing what I do now, I know what I've got to do. "Girl Power" ....!!!!" 

Thank you ALL so much for being a total inspiration to us all!
And if I do not get another chance to say : wishing you all a VERY HAPPY MOTHER`S DAY that is approaching sooner than we think ... but first!
Let`s celebrate St Patric`s day with it`s SPECIAL Irish dancing event that will take across GREAT BRITAIN , and Ireland tomorrow. 
Lots of love, T x


  1. Words fail me (that's a first) I feel incredibly honored & humbled to have been included in your list of inspirational women, and to all the women in the world, 'live to inspire'

    1. Dear Faye,
      thank YOU so much for your inspirational work that you do! Really means a lot every single word what you wrote here! Feeling quite emotional actually! Thank you again for being you and for teaching us all to LIVE your dreams! and believe in everything you do! Kind regards, Tatiana x
