Sunday 5 March 2017

FANTASTIC weekend!

What a SPECIAL weekend we all had!

Our charming little girl celebrated her 9th birthday on Friday! and had TWO SLEEP OVERS during this week end! Lovely group of her friends kept us entertained (playing Russian games all day and night  ) and  kept us awake  until early hours of the Saturday morning :) and Carmen`s hilarious cousins slept better on Sat night! as they were "so keen to come back" :)
and one of her " best friends" invited her to a Spa birthday treat at Tree Tops (which is conveniently located 5 minutes away from St Michaels )

so our daughter had a BLAST ! and when she got back home ...  we all slept happily for like .. hours! :) (even our Puppy did the same, although he really enjoyed all the attention during the parties)

The top of the icing .. was to have awesome guests at St Michaels!
Elegant guests visited our grand St Michaels Holiday Home this weekend !

It was very nice for us both to find out that the guests were from our local town of Tankerton! (and some were from overseas)
And the best thing of all was to hear that they all had a " fantastic weekend " and that they are planning  to have an "another return" at St Michaels "

This would be an absolute pleasure for us both (you can always have a quick break as St Michaels also offers B&B (continental breakfast) during week days only!

Hoping to see you all soon!
Lots love, T &D

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